Friday, April 24, 2009


They're finally home. Mom isn't feeling very well at all. She has a tremendous amount of pain in her arm where they had IV issues. She has a big knot in her arm and extreme pain all throughout. Her tubes are also very painful and akward. Although this surgery was easier than the last, she still describes it as 24 hours of hell. She and Dad only got between 2 and 3 hours of sleep last night so I'm encouraging them both to go sleep for a while.

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1 comment:

  1. My dearest, bestest friend in the whole world! You are amazing. cry,cry,cry.....jeanie, I love you so much and this surgery stuff just kills me inside. You shouldn't be comforting me, I should be there kissing you! Do have cherry chap .... nevermind. Those were the kindness, most dearest words I could ever be blessed with. I treasure them. You are the true best friend and have honestly been my angel teaching me right from wrong, my whole life. You've been an example of tenderness, long-suffering, and forgiveness. I cherish you and you are really a beautiful sparkling diamond--I love it that you have so many best friends 'cuz you are a best friend to everyone. I keep making mistakes writing--can't cry and write. Loves and kisses and rest. Cowboy tuff isn't even what you are. Hey, cowboys couldn't even handle what you've been through. Not even close. i can't see. My prayers and our family's prayers are with you. lymi and i do.
